What Do I Offer 

“If there is one word that makes creative people different from others, it is the word complexity. Creative people tend to bring together the entire range of human possibilities within themselves.”

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (Psychologist) 

Creative humans are complex creatures. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to solving our pain-points. However, over the years, I’ve discovered people begin to wonder if they should be working with a coach for one of the following reasons. Which one rings true for you?

“I’m not good enough.”

I’ll help you to BE BOLD and liberated from self-doubt, so you can:

  • Build confidence and self-esteem
  • Grow executive presence
  • Stop second-guessing and be comfortable in your own skin
  • Set boundaries & stop people-pleasing
  • Overcome ‘imposter syndrome’ and limiting beliefs
  • Take care of yourself – work/life balance & well-being

“Be yourself. Everybody else is taken.” Oscar Wilde

“I might not get it right.”

I’ll help you FIND COURAGE to take a brave new direction, so you can:

  • Be free from perfectionism & procrastination
  • Communicate confidently
  • Bring your ideas to life
  • Explore your purpose
  • Be comfortable not knowing and making mistakes
  • Figure out what’s important

“Creativity is mistakes.” Grayson Perry

“I’m stuck!”

I’ll help you GAIN CLARITY and give you tools to figure out what to do next, so you can:

  • Navigate your career
  • Lead people
  • Think strategically
  • Be aligned with your values and strengths
  • Make decisions, set goals & take action
  • Create new healthy habits

“I don’t know where I’m going from here, but I promise it won’t be boring.” David Bowie

Perhaps you see yourself in more than one of the above, or perhaps it’s something else that you can’t quite put your finger on.

I have a simple four-step process which will get you where you want to be. I’ll be by your side every step of the way.


We’ll create a working agreement and build a partnership based on trust.

Our plan will have a clear direction with measurable steps and overall goals.

I’ll put everything in place so you can relax, knowing where we’re going.


With tools and coaching, we’ll gain a fresh perspective on who you are. What resources do you have? What are your strengths?

We’ll connect with your wisdom and common sense to find out what you REALLY want.

I’ll listen, support and guide you. I’ll help you to do the same, for yourself.


We’ll start trying and testing. You’ll take action, experiment and learn. As you do you’ll develop self-trust helping you make easier, and healthier, decisions.

I’ll be checking-in, helping you notice every tiny success and change. This is my superpower!


You’ll discover new ways of being, develop the confidence to tackle issues and live a future with no limits.

This is what it’s all about. When we get here I’ll be in my happy place. I want to hear all the amazing things that are happening in your life.

My Packages

I’ve created three packages to suit your needs and budget.


Up to 3 sessions over 6 weeks.


This package builds confidence so you can start doing more of what you love.


Up to 6 sessions over 3 months.


This package brings clarity and gets you moving.  It’s time to start being bold!


Up to 9 sessions over 6 months.


This comprehensive package is to create a big change; creating a new direction, finding your purpose or starting over. You’ll also receive one free check-up session up to six months later.

Book Your Discovery Session

If you are ready for change, to gain clarity and discover your direction and purpose - book a free 15 minute discovery call with me.