Karen Hayes


Despite my London accent, my Irish roots run deep, and although I’ve been fortunate enough to have lived and worked in many different countries, nothing compares to my corner of Kerry.
Amidst its wild and, sometimes unforgiving, natural beauty my heart is at home here.

I became a coach for three simple reasons:

  • I love seeing people getting out of their own way
  • I love seeing people’s ideas come to life
  • And I love how happy these two things make them.

It really is the best job in the world.

As an Executive Coach I’ve worked remotely with clients all over the world, including Ireland, the USA, the Middle East, Europe and India where I either coach 1:1 or write and deliver development programmes for organisations. These have included multinationals, SMEs, start-ups and non-profits where I’ve coached CEOs, Founders, Directors and Presidents.

As much as I enjoy working with corporations, a recent project led to my own ‘ah ha’ moment…

About Me

In March 2020 I co-launched Connect-A-Coach. It was such an amazing project to work on and made me realise I wanted to make a real difference by working with creatives and change-makers. Personally, I get the most joy out of life when working with the innovators and artists of this world.

Today, my mission is to liberate creative thinkers from themselves. I truly believe the world would be a better place if we were free from self-doubt, weren’t threatened by ideas or each other, shared and took risks. Like we did as children.

People would feel free to create, make and manifest what is in their head, heart and gut. There would be more colour, more passion and more laughter. To me, that’s a goal worth working towards.

Now, we’re not going to get there by holding hands and singing Kum Ba Ya. It will take commitment and determination but, if you’re a creative thinker who is feeling stuck, I promise we will get you to where you want to be.

Book Your Discovery Session

If you are ready for change, to gain clarity and discover your direction and purpose - book a free 15 minute discovery call with me.