Client Reviews

“I have much greater fulfillment in life generally. I like myself more, I feel more grounded and surer in the decisions I make, and I feel liberated to explore the creative professional tasks and hobbies that make me happy.

Karen understands creative, highly sensitive people and the fact that life doesn’t always pose clear, fact-based answers for us.  She has an uncanny ability to hone in on the values and issues that really matter to you, and in turn, guide you towards understanding what you really want (or need). As a result, she was in a brilliant position to guide me through a scary career move, and boost me with confidence for the future ahead.

She’s magic. Not many people like Karen exist. Don’t take my word for it. Just have a chat.  Karen is warm, funny, real. Deeply human.  I’ve never met someone with as much intuition and emotional intelligence as Karen, and the impact of her coaching was huge.”

[Ophelia Stimpson, Planning Director at Saatchi & Saatchi – London

“I’ve been able to take key learnings and apply it to my creative work, which has given me a boost of confidence in my talent. And it’s also helped my overall mental wellbeing, giving me some tools to tackle tough decisions and break negative thought patterns.  The main benefits I have experienced are:

  • Learning what my values are and how I can use them to form my creative process
  • Discovering my unknown strengths, which has given me more of a quiet confidence in my abilities
  • A clearer mindset about a long-term goal, and a better idea of how to plan to make it happen

Karen has a great way of helping you listen to your own voice. We’re often so busy getting caught up in what other people are saying, that we rarely stop to really consider our own thoughts, feelings and goals.  Karen gives you the space to reconnect with yourself, what you want and how to make it happen.  She helped to identify and simplify what could otherwise have felt complex and overwhelming.”

[Rachel Stafford, Senior Copywriter at RAPP – London

“My coaching experience with Karen has had a profound impact on my career, at a time when I needed it the most. It has helped me navigate some very challenging periods by building my confidence and equipping me with the relevant tools to navigate the workplace and push through my imposter syndrome. Karen’s holistic approach to coaching instantly resonated with me and has been a daily reminder that the way we show up, perceive ourselves and navigate our careers is intrinsically linked to many other aspects of our lives.

But don’t be fooled – there’s no funny business with her. She tells it as it is and has taught me to be (re)solution oriented, take greater control of my career and has given me an even stronger sense of self-awareness – all of these things have improved my ability to communicate with stakeholders of all levels within my business and significantly reduced my anxiety in doing so. I would (and continue to) ABSOLUTELY recommend Karen to EVERYONE, any day, every day, always. She’s an absolute legend.”

[Mamaa Ducker at WPP – London ] 

“With Karen as my coach, I was not only able to successfully reorient how I navigated my tasks in a pragmatic way, but also how to manoeuvre them emotionally, too. What’s great about her methodology is there are no extraneous bells and whistles; by guiding you to ask the right questions (to yourself), you’re able to smoothly and effectively dredge up all the things you want to get out of your career and life. I couldn’t recommend her more.”

[Eddie Fritts Tomaselli, Copywriter at FIG – New York

“Through my coaching sessions with Karen, I learned and developed techniques for better emotion management and conflict resolution and have noticed a huge improvement in my stress and mood throughout the workday as a result. 

Karen is truly an expert at what she does. She is calm, kind, and equipped with a plan… she is defiantly the person to work with if you have a personal goal and are unsure how to get there!

Depending on your most important goal for the day, Karen will change up her style between guided goal setting, breathing exercises and more casual conversation. Karen always makes you feel like you are in control and have all the tools at your disposal to reach your full potential.

I’d love to see Karen work with more creatives and developers! I think her coaching style really lends itself to self-starters and innovators. Her coaching style worked really well for my  goals, and I think everyone working in a creative profession should book a coaching session with Karen!.”

[Kathleen Bryan, Creative Technologist at HUGE – New York] 

“Be prepared to have your mind blown away… after this, you will finally be free to be yourself!  I now trust myself more and have more confidence in myself as a leader and as a marketer.

I cannot express enough the importance of having a trained professional challenging you, asking you the tough questions, pushing your boundaries, helping you to identify your goals and how/what to action to achieve them.

Karen’s approach is so deeply human, compassionate, and strong.  She will always have your best interests in mind, and she can be tough and push because she knows what you are capable of.  She very acutely listens and observes, but her approach is very active, it’s very practical and tangible which makes it even easier to see one’s progression. “

[Philomène Chartier, Group Account Director at TAXI – Canada] 

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If you are ready for change, to gain clarity and discover your direction and purpose - book a free 15 minute discovery call with me.